Hi friends,
What is blooming in your garden?
It’s been a hot May in the south and the flowers are in full bloom on the barn porch.
This is my favorite time of year for the barn.
I love the pinks and whites against the rusty tin.
And the evenings are beautiful for porch sittin’
If you follow me on Instagram then you know we purchased this amazing seed cabinet from Julie owner of The Warped Table.
My husband saw it on her Instagram Stories and surprised me with it.
Hopefully, I will get to hug Julie in person one day!
I thought we would put it in the Flower House, but we both love it on the Barn Porch.
It just feels like it’s always been here.
The Cut Flower Garden is also full of seedlings.
800ish little zinnias, sunflowers, and dahlias are growing daily.
Directly sowing the seeds and tubers.
It’s been a joy for me.
I wonder if you have a flower or vegetable garden and if so does it make you feel alive?
My mornings after walking Madison are spent out there tending to the flowers and it’s one of the most enjoyable moments of my day.
As we head into summer I would love if you have any tips you could share with everyone.
Sometimes it’s the littlest thing that can make a big difference when you’re beginning.
Like not watering your dahlia tubers until you start to see them.
If you would like to use one of the porch photos for your June iPhone Wallpaper please do.
(personal use only)
(I shared it on Instagram Stories, but I know not everyone is on there!)
Kindly, xo
After about 5 years, my hydrangeas appear to finally be taking off! I’m so excited – for a long time I wasn’t sure if they would make it in the Florida heat but they’re looking better than ever. I *might* be checking on them every single day!
how exciting Emily!
I have several hydrangeas and when they’re young(first summer) I find they struggle with our heat and once they get going they’re fine
Enjoy your blooms, xo
What an amazing piece to surprise you with! My peonies are blooming, forget me not, bleeding hearts. I planted sunflowers for the first time, and poppies!
Hubby is enjoying his veggie garden, and he planted garlic in the fall. The raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are looking amazing.
What I am most excited for though, is this is the last year for planting crops. đ