Maya Angelou Quote

Inspire Others To Do Great Things

Inspire Others to do Great Things. A lesson I learned along the way

Have you ever considered yourself someone who inspires others to do great things?

Or maybe you look up to someone who seems to be living your ideal life.

You would love to sit down with them and ask them a laundry list of questions.

I had this opportunity several years ago.

Meeting someone who inspired me from afar.

I was nervously excited to spend several hours meeting this gal with a group of kindred spirits.

It would turn out to be a fun afternoon, but one that also left me feeling sad and depleted.

You see…I don’t think this person understood what she meant to all of us.

 We didn’t just admire her for her amazing talents, but her humility and the kind demeanor that resonated through her posts.

Of course there was a small group of gals that seemed to monopolize her attention while a few of us quiet ones existed on the periphery of the group eagerly awaiting our chance to talk to her.

Lunch was at separate tables…not allowing us to get to know each other or ask any of our burning questions.

At the end of lunch she thanked us for visiting her and all of a sudden my half day with my hero was over and we hadn’t hardly exchanged a dozen words.

On the drive home my husband asked how it went.

I was pretty quiet in my response.

It was in that moment that he said, “sometimes we don’t want to meet our heroes.”

A profound statement and one I never forgot!

I often thought about how I would react if I inspired someone else.

Along the way I have had a few surreal moments.

I did a show last summer and gals drove out to see me.

I just couldn’t get over it!

However, it wasn’t until recently when I meant a gal that owned her own shop.

She had come out to buy from me at the barn and before she left she asked if she could get her picture taken with me.

The next day she posted the photo on her Instagram page with these words at the top.

“Even if you don’t know it, people are inspired by you.”

She went on to write…and I started to cry.

It was in this moment that everything washed over me and I thought of this quote.

Maya Angelou Quote

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

                                                                                                                   ~Maya Angelou

The lesson I learned is sometimes humility can seem like indifference.

My hope is to remain humble and at the same time embracing someone who I have inspired.

 I don’t get to decide if I inspire someone, but what I do get to decide is how I want to show up when I do.

Kindly, xo


p.s. please share your stories of inspiration


  • This is beautiful!! & So are you!! THANK YOU for sharing.. I’m at this cross road now in my life.. I have passion & dreams ..that want to take flight… Never feeling safe enough to fly with it. You’re inspiring and REAL.. THANK YOU posting this today… I feel that everything is beginning to make sense..and aligning up where & when it should…

  • Well just reading your story made me tear up! Your friend was right you inspire through your pictures but even more so in your words, and sweet spirit. ❤️

    • thank you for your kind words & support, kim!

      so happy we have been able to get to know each behind the scenes on IG


  • Jane I understand alot of y’all have inspired me in many ways. Loved reading this and it made me think of alot of things

    • Hi Ann,

      I sure appreciate your kindness. You’re always so supportive to all of us and I know how hard you work to fill your booth and create in your shop


  • You inspire me my friend, and so many others, I’m sure. I love that Maya Angelou quote & I may not always live up to that, but I try. Thank you for sharing your heart! xo

    • you’re the sweetest Courtney and you also inspire daily!

      so happy to call you a friend, xo

  • A pedestal is such a small place on which to stand. You are inspirational and don’t worry about what anyone thinks if you decide to take a different direction.

  • …..and wasn’t Maya Angelou the perfect example of this. This quote alone, has been an eye opener for many . One of my very favorites. You do inspire Jane. The people who have inspired me most in my life, are the ones who never offer advice etc, unless asked, and make the biggest impression on me, by their actions. You are one of those people in my life Jane, and I am so grateful for our friendship.
    Yes, I have had that experience too. being told I am inspiring. It is puzzling to me, but flattering!
    I love the “mindful” way you live your life. It is evident in your beautiful photos, and your words.
    Keep being you, and inspiring xo

    • grateful for your friendship as well and congratulations on opening another booth

      cheers to going all in, xo

  • I too often stay very quiet in the background. I read, I take it all in and learn. I’ve always loved that quote from Maya Angelou and it felt good to read it again. You are an inspiration Jane and what I love the most is how soothing your photos are to me. Kim and I often dream of someday meeting some of our favourite gals in the U.S We will make it happen…as soon as she retires. Much love, Lynn Perreault

    • You’re the sweetest Lynn, so excited to have you visit here on my little piece of the web and I would love to meet both of you!

      I look forward to the day, xo


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