Self Portrait | Pink Peonies

welcome friends

i'm jane

photographer & flower gardener

a little about me

 I’m an old soul
a dreamer…a visual storyteller
& country living has my heart

my story:


I do what i do

Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and raised on Vancouver Island, Canada, my childhood spanned a continent and two countries. Now, I call a quaint little town in the South home, where I live with my husband, Shaun, and our fur baby, Madison.

My love for vintage treasures truly blossomed after moving to the South. Decorating our home soon led me to open my first antique booth with just $150—without realizing it, I had stepped onto a creative path that would shape my future. That small booth, Grit Antiques, turned into something much bigger, filled with antique shows, multiple locations, monthly barn sales, and travels across the states in search of timeless pieces (something we still love doing).

One conversation with a customer changed everything. As she walked away, I realized she didn’t see the beauty in my vintage pieces the way I did. In that moment, I knew I needed to change how I shared my work.

My camera became a creative outlet, and my vintage treasures became props.

As my love for photography grew, so did my vision. The barn my husband built for my antiques became a photography studio, and in time, we built a Flower House tucked among my cut flower garden. I always knew that one day, I would grow the flowers I photographed.

Photography and flower farming have taught me patience—to embrace the rhythm of the seasons, the magic of light, and the beauty in simple moments.

Now, through The Art of Slow Storytelling workshop and one-on-one mentoring, I share what I’ve learned—helping others capture and share their own creative journeys in a way that feels natural and true to them.


our story:

the reason why

we do what we do


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Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow.

featured in…

Country Living Magazine
In Her Studio 
Cottages & Bungalows
In Her Garden
Artful Blogging 
Bella Grace 
Somerset Life 
Somerset Home 
Country Sampler 
Country Sampler Farmhouse Style Christmas
Home Stories (Book)
Tulip Salmon Impression
Zinnia Flower Garden
Princesse Charlene de Monaco Rose in an Antique Ironstone Vase