The Flower House in the spring

The End of Flower Season: A Time to Reflect and Hibernate

As the last bulb finds its place in the soil and the winter chill settles into the garden, the end of the flower season arrives like a deep exhale. It’s December, and for those of us who live by the rhythm of the seasons—flower farmers, passionate gardeners, and lovers of all things that bloom—this is a time for quiet reflection.

This year, with the help of my husband, our hands have pressed over 500 daffodil bulbs into the earth, joined by hundreds of tulips, crocuses, and peonies. Each bulb and root is a promise to spring, a secret waiting beneath the frosty ground. The redesigned flower bed in the garden, which many of you watched unfold on Instagram, feels like a labor of love—a mix of hard work, creativity, and anticipation for the beauty that will emerge in a few months.

But now, it’s time to pause.

For us, the end of flower season is more than just a change in the weather. It’s a transition that mirrors the natural ebb and flow of life. The long days spent digging, planting, watering, and tending are replaced by shorter, quieter ones. It’s as though the garden itself whispers, Rest.

The beds are quiet now, but our minds are alive with ideas. Winter gives us a chance to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and how we’ll approach the next season.

Here’s to the season of reflection, to the gardens we tend, and to the flowers we love!

Poinsettia in The Flower House

Happy Holidays!

Kindly, xo


P.S. I hope you find moments to pause and recharge. Spring will be here before you know it, bringing a new season of blooms and beauty.

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