Poppy iPhone Wallpaper | Poppies in an Ironstone Vase

Have you ever grown poppies?

They’re a flower that has captivated my interest lately.

I love the delicate, tissue paper-like blooms.

And the slight texture with yellow centers.

Like many flowers, they come in an array of colors and types.

A few varieties I have been looking at are Iceland and Shirley Poppies.

They’re typically grown as a hardy annual in our area.

I have several seeds(Shirley) that I will direct sow in the fall.

After some reading, they recommend direct sowing Shirley poppies because they don’t like to be transplanted.

That works well for me because I have been focused on direct sowing my flowers.

Poppy Wallpaper | Poppies in an Antique Urn

As I head into a busy time in the cut flower garden I will fall back to blogging once a month.

A monthly update on what is happening and what I’m working on.

Over the next few months, I will also be working on a course that I’m super excited about.

It is something that has been on my heart for a long time and I can’t wait to share it with all of you.

To see my flowers, tips, and the almost complete flower house please follow me on Instagram.

Poppy iPhone Wallpaper

If you would like to use one of the photos for your wallpaper (I’m using the antique urn) simply save it to your photos.

Then open settings on your phone and scroll down to find wallpaper.

Hit choose a new wallpaper and the photo you saved should appear in your camera roll.

I just move the photo around to place it the way I like it on my phone.

(personal use only)

I will see you back here next month and for daily happenings please follow me on Instagram Stories.

Big hugs for being a part of this community!

Kindly, xo


p.s. pin with me…I always appreciate it when you pin my photos…it helps small businesses like me get seen, xo







  • I have poppy seeds to plant! I love them, and have always wanted them in my garden.
    I saw your flower house on IG, and it is simply stunning!!
    Looking forward to hearing about your course Jane.

  • Tried to grow poppies, but the prolific deer population in our area loved the buds and we were left with stems. Short stems. No flowers.

    • you sound like my mom, the deer eat most of her flowers as well!

    • good morning Cindy,

      thank you so much for your kind words & pinning, xo


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