Some call peonies the queen of spring blooms.

It’s hard not to love the beautiful colors, fluffy blooms, and sweet smell.

I just wished they had a longer season!

Regardless of their short season, I will be planting more and wanted to share a few things I have learned.

Last year, I planted some in the spring and this year I will wait until the fall.

Planting bare-root stock instead of a plant.

Planting in full sun, well drained soil, and no mulch.

If you can also resist cutting the blooms for the first couple of years.

This will result in a beautiful mature plant.

When you hear that some plants are over 100 years old…how amazing is that!

Another thing I will be looking at is a cage to keep the blooms upright.

This will keep the blooms off of the ground.

Once they dangle and hit the ground they don’t last as long.

Pink Peonies

 Peonies also do well in a vase.

Head out in the morning and harvest the ones that have not opened yet.

Feel the bud and pick the ones that feel soft leaving at least two sets of leaves.

This should result in a beautiful bloom that will last the week.

It’s funny how my love of photography has also given me a new awareness to my flowers.

I have wanted to learn how to nurture my plants so that they thrive.

While I also love going to the farmer’s market to buy flowers…there is something pretty special about growing my own.

If you have any growing tips please share in the comments below.

Happy Planting,

Kindly, xo




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