Taking Action
With so many of my followers being small business owners, I wanted to touch on something.
Our thoughts around the fear of failure or judgment.
How many of you overthink, analyze, tweak, and tweak again before you hit publish?
As a planner & organizer I get it, however, we learn from taking action.
One thing I see over and over again from my fellow creatives is our idea of perfection.
Striving to reach a certain standard before we put our work out into the world.
Often comparing our work to others.
While it is ok to be inspired I would love for you to consider how amazing it is to be you!
If you are a maker, artist, creative photographer please don’t compare your work to commercial work.
You know the polished work produced by a team.
It’s lovely, but I want to encourage you to consider something.
Someone looking on Etsy, Instagram, and blogs too purchase are looking for something unique, often handmade, or one of a kind.
The story of the piece or your story is often part of the appeal.
Instead of overthinking send your packages hit publish and grow from taking action.
Kindly, xo
Love this Jane and I agree 100% but sometimes the mindset is hard to concour Im my worst critic
I agree, Ann! we are our worst critic
thank you for visiting, xo
Absolutely Jane…trial and error are the best teachers.
so true kim, xo
Wonderful words,, thank you!
thank you Michele & thank you for visiting, xo
Such perfect and true words of inspiration, Jane, for this chronic overthinker! I’m off right now to go heed your advise! š
believe me…I have and work at not overthinking all the time